Parent Advisory Council » Home


The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a school-wide Parent Organization that serves the entire community of students, parents, and staff of Valencia High School. Our goals are to increase communication, support the learning environment, and provide an opportunity for all parents to participate in the VHS community.

We invite you to join us at our meetings to hear school and district news, find out about campus activities, learn about academic and volunteer opportunities, and hear and discuss current campus issues and happenings with our Principal.

Membership:         Open to All
Dues:                     $25 Family Donation

Membership dues are payable at registration, at any meeting, can be dropped off in the main office or online donations can be made via Credit Card, Venmo, or Paypal by clicking on the link below:

Your contributions are PAC's only source of funding and support the following programs:

  • Academic/Classroom Materials Grants
  • Library Grants 
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation
  • Senior Scholarships (Students must be members of PAC)
  • And much more...


Please email us with any questions at [email protected]

Please follow us on our Facebook page at